
Showing posts with the label Matthew 6:5

Why does Jesus condemn self-centered prayer?

Christ and The Pharisees (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In Matthew 6:5 –8, in the midst of His discussion of the contrast between true and false righteousness, Jesus condemns the Pharisees ’ current practice of prayer in two specific areas: self-centered prayer and prayer that had no meaning. Each area manifests one or more of the faults that had so corrupted true prayer in the life of the nation. Self-Centered Prayer Since pride was at its root, our Lord first dealt with those who prayed to exhibit their supposed spirituality before men. “ When you pray , you are not to be as the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners, in order to be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full” ( Matt. 6:5). Prayer that focuses on self is always hypocritical because every true prayer focuses on God. The term hypocrite originally referred to Greek actors who wore masks that portrayed in an exaggerated way the roles they were dra

Praying with empty phrases

Jesus in Pray (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Matthew 6:5 –8 “When you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you” (v. 6). In the Sermon on the Mount , Jesus assumes new covenant believers will maintain the old covenant practices of almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. It is not if we will give to the needy but when ( Matt. 6:2). Fasting is spoken of similarly (v. 16). Finally, Jesus describes prayer as a routine part of Christian piety  in this passage (v. 5). What Matthew Henry says about Matthew 6:5–8 could well be said about giving to the needy as well as fasting: “You may as soon find a living man who does not breathe, as a living Christian who does not pray.” Our Lord’s directions for prayer, like the other two aforementioned acts of piety, are chiefly concerned to steer us away from hypocrisy. Hypokrites, the Greek word behind the English hypocrite, refers originally to an actor; thus, Ch

Private prayer helps conforms us to Christ

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Matthew 6:5-8 "When you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you" ( v. 6 ). In the Sermon on the Mount , Jesus assumes new covenant believers will maintain the old covenant practices of almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. It is not if we will give to the needy but when( Matt. 6:2 ). Fasting is spoken of similarly ( v. 16 ). Finally, Jesus describes prayer as a routine part of Christian piety in today's passage ( v. 5 ). What Matthew Henry says about Matthew 6:5-8 could well be said about giving to the needy as well as fasting: "You may as soon find a living man who does not breathe, as a living Christian who does not pray." Our Lord 's directions for prayer, like the other two aforementioned acts of piety, are chiefly concerned to steer us away from hypocrisy. Hypokrites, the Greek word behind the Engl

Purpose of daily prayer to God

Prayer (Photo credit: Chris Yarzab ) Matthew 6:5-8  We pray "not to inform God or instruct him but to beseech him closely, to be made intimate with him, by continuance in supplication; to be humbled; to be reminded of our sins" ( John Chrysostom , Homilies on the Gospel of Saint Matthew , 19.4). Private prayer helps conform us to Christ . How much time do you spend praying in private? If you pray in public more than you do in private, you might be more concerned with how others see you than with how God sees you. Related articles New Orleans Woman Hopes to Pray the Crime Away [Crime] ( If You Ask, He Will Come ( Prayer Is The Light Of The Spirit ( Sunday Sermon: Pray Without Ceasing ( I prayed for truth and I found my soul self. ( A Peek At My Dating Diary, Part 2 ( God helps ( "How much mor