Stop asking Jesus into your heart!
English: Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) If there were a Guinness Book of World Records record for "amount of times having asked Jesus into your heart," I'm pretty sure I would hold it. By the time I reached the age of 18 I had probably "asked Jesus into my heart" 5,000 times. I started somewhere around age 4 when I approached my parents one Saturday morning asking how someone could know that they were going to heaven. They carefully led me down the "Romans Road to Salvation ," and I gave Jesus his first invitation into my heart. Both my parents and my pastor felt confident of my sincerity and my grasp on the details, and so I was baptized. We wrote the date in my Bible and I lived in peace about the matter for nearly a decade. One Friday night during my 9th grade year, however, my Sunday school teacher told us that according to Matthew 7:21 -23, many people who think they know Jesus will awaken on that f...