
Showing posts with the label Matthew 7

Stop asking Jesus into your heart!

English: Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) If there were a Guinness Book of World Records record for "amount of times having asked Jesus into your heart," I'm pretty sure I would hold it. By the time I reached the age of 18 I had probably "asked Jesus into my heart" 5,000 times. I started somewhere around age 4 when I approached my parents one Saturday morning asking how someone could know that they were going to heaven. They carefully led me down the "Romans Road to Salvation ," and I gave Jesus his first invitation into my heart. Both my parents and my pastor felt confident of my sincerity and my grasp on the details, and so I was baptized. We wrote the date in my Bible and I lived in peace about the matter for nearly a decade. One Friday night during my 9th grade year, however, my Sunday school teacher told us that according to Matthew 7:21 -23, many people who think they know Jesus will awaken on that f

How do you know you are saved?

Image via Wikipedia Today lets look at 3 statements relevant to Christians : assurance of salvation . This is an area of great confusion for many believers and an area that can lead to great discouragement.  It is possible and even normal for the Christian to experience assurance of salvation. John MacArthur calls assurance of salvation “the birthright and privilege of every true believer in Christ .” This assurance is not only  possible  but should be the  normal  experience for any believer in Christ.  Romans 8:16 teaches that assurance of salvation is part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit . “The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God…”  Hear what Matthew Henry says about this verse: “Those that are sanctified have God’s Spirit witnessing with their spirits, which is to be understood not of any immediate extraordinary revelation, but an ordinary work of the Spirit, in and by the means of comfort, speaking peace to the soul. This testimony