
Showing posts with the label Michael Horton

Four negative church trends

English: Icon of Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) According to several studies, American evangelicals generally do not know what they believe and why they believe it. Consequently, most share with the wider culture a confidence in human goodness and a weak view of the need for God ’s saving grace in Jesus Christ . According to these reports, most evangelicals believe that we are saved by being good and that there are many ways of salvation apart from explicit faith in Jesus Christ. Here are a few of the disturbing trends that need to be checked and reformed in contemporary church life: 1. We are all too confident in our own words We are all too confident in our own words, so that churches become echo chambers for the latest trends in pop psychology, marketing, politics, entertainment, and entrepreneurial leadership. We need to recover our confidence in the triune God and His speech, as He addresses us authoritatively in His Word. 2. We are all too confident in our own met

Question and Answer from Ligonier Conference Speakers

Question & Answers Ligonier Conference Michael Horton , Stephen Meyer ,  R.C.  Sproul,  R.C.  Sproul Jr. and Del Tackett answer questions regarding the Christian mind, science, old and new earth, and more. Video Outline: 0:00-04:32   Does teaching a variety of scientific theories hinder students? 04:47-09:46  Can you explain the difference between presuppositional and classical apologetics ? 09:50-11:39  How do we explain why classical apologetics is not equated with rationalism? 11:56-25:22  Do you have any suggestions for Christians who attend a secular college or university in regards to ways of avoiding indoctrination? 25:49-32:14  The state of education of children has deteriorated in terms of a biblical worldview. Where do we go from here in the family and in the church? 32:24-36:43  What can the local church do to come alongside of families and equip them, to repair the ruins of education? 36:45-41:53  Does the expression “doctrine divides” come out

Books for Pastors

1993 reprint of Chafer's Systematic Theology (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The current issue of  Preaching  magazine has Albert Mohler ’s annual list of recommended books for pastors. There is a good mix of books here, though I suspect most pastors would take just about the whole year to get through the entire list! Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other  by Sherry Turkle Christian Apologetics: Past and Present, Vol. 2  by William Edgar & K. Scott Oliphant The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way  by Michael Horton Historical Theology: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine  by Gregg R. Allison Lost in Translation: The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood  by Christian Smith, Kari Christofferson, Hilary Davidson , Patricia Snell Herzog A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New  by G.K. Beale The Next Decade: Empire and Republic in a Changing World  by George Friedman The Pleasur