
Showing posts with the label Middle East

Lebanese ancestors are the Canaanites

The ancient Canaanites , who according to the Bible were commanded to be exterminated, but later disobeyed God - did not die out, but lived on to become modern-day Lebanese , according to the first study to analyse their DNA . Key points DNA reveals that modern Lebanese are direct descendants of ancient Canaanites  Despite tumultuous history, there has been substantial genetic continuity in the Near East across the past 3,000 to 4,000 years  European additions to Lebanese ancestry occurred around 3,750-2,170 years ago  Study also provides clues about ancient Phoenicians   The Bronze Age Canaanites lived between 3,000 and 4,000 years ago in the region now encompassed by Israel , Lebanon , Syria and Jordan. Despite being the first group known to use an alphabet, and appearing many times in the Bible, the Canaanites left few written records. "What is exciting was that we can see the genetic continuity between the Bronze Age population and the present-day populations,"

How to witness to a Muslim

English: Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock Deutsch: Jerusalem, Felsendom (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) When in dialogue with a Muslim, how often do we find ourselves put on the defensive, fending off the same five or six standard questions which seem to repeat themselves time and again? The objection to the Trinity leads the way, pursued hard on its heels by the disbelief that God could have a Son, followed by the contention that these doctrines were erroneously created by the apostle Paul, and therefore not part of the original canon preached by the “ historical Jesus .”  We play the part and answer as best we can, quoting from our Scriptures the oft-repeated responses we have been taught from our days in Sunday school. Yet, sooner or later we find ourselves returning to that which is our foundation—the Bible —just as they do likewise with the Qur’an. Therein lies the problem. Regardless of the topic we may choose, the discussion we have with Muslims leads back inevitably to that of r

Ezekiel saw God as a likeness with a human appearance- was it Jesus?

English: Scan of a Gustave Doré engraving "The Vision of The Valley of The Dry Bones" - 1866 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “Above the expanse over their heads there was the likeness of a throne , in appearance like sapphire; and seated above the likeness of a throne was a likeness with a human appearance” (v. 26).- Ezekiel 1:4–28 Immediately after describing the historical circumstances of his prophetic call, Ezekiel describes his first vision of the Lord. This incredible vision has perplexed many people in the modern world, for the imagery is indeed strange to us. More sensational readings of Ezekiel 1:4–28 have even suggested that the passage describes an encounter that the prophet had with extraterrestrials. Such theories impress upon us the importance of paying attention to the historical and literary context of the Bible so that we might escape ludicrous speculation, for Ezekiel’s vision makes perfect sense in his own setting. The prophet’s vision concerns “ four li

Does God change his mind?

English: Baptism of Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) It all depends. If He has decreed a certain course of action or outcome, then He will not retract a statement or relent from a declared course of action. Verses stating or illustrating this truth must not be overextended, however.  Statements about God not changing His mind serve to mark specific declarations as decrees . They should not be used as proof texts of God’s immutability, nor should they be applied generally to every divine forward-looking statement. If God has not decreed a course of action, then He may very well retract an an nouncement of blessing or judgment. In these cases the human response to His announcement determines what He will do.  Passages declaring that God typically changes His mind as an expression of His love and mercy demonstrate that statements describing God as relenting should not be dismissed as anthropomorphic. At the same time such passages should not be overextended. God can

When will the end times signs be fulfilled?

English: Icon of Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?” ( Mark 13:4 ) Within a week of His approaching death, Christ sat down with His disciples to talk of the future. He would be leaving, terrible persecution would come, but He would return. Purposefully, no date was given. Their curiosity was no doubt great, but Christ had other charges for them. Instead, Christ focused on other issues, and His instructions apply to us just as surely as to the disciples. Whether things are going well or not, we must not be misled into a false sense of security. The disciples were looking at the beautiful and serene temple and grounds, but Christ predicted unprecedented destruction. “There shall not be left one stone upon another” (v. 2). Nor should we allow ourselves to be deceived by false prophets (vv. 5-6). Scripture gives ample information to allow us to identify and shun these

You are complete in Christ!

You are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.  Colossians 2:10 In Christ , we are made ready, we are equipped, for any crisis or circumstance that may come.…The children of Israel wandered in a wilderness, but their shoes didn’t wear out, even though they wandered there for forty years. When the children of Israel needed water, God supplied it.  When they needed food, He sent manna. When they needed guidance, He gave them a very clear and present witness to lead them by day and by night. When they were surrounded by enemies, He delivered them. His means were sovereign and supernatural, and His provision was complete and sure. We can trust the Lord to do the same for us. Related articles Christ in Us... Our Hope ( Writing the Wrongs: Where the Jews Are ( Complete In Christ ( The Dangers of Negative Self Talk ( Rooted and Built Up in

Piper Addresses John MacArthur and His Strange Fire Anti-pentecostal Theology

One month ago, John MacArthur hosted a conference titled “Strange Fire.” The conference opposed the so-called “ prosperity gospel ” and with it the excesses of “charismania.” But somewhere along the way all things charismatic and continuationist got swept up into the conference conversation, too, igniting a strange online conflagration of its own. The conversation prompted a variety of questions from listeners of the Ask Pastor John podcast. Before boarding a flight for the Middle East , John Piper agreed to field a few of the questions, particularly: If you’re a continuationist (believing the supernatural gifts of the Spirit continue still today), why doesn’t this show up more often in your ministry? Why do you not seem persuaded enough to advocate that others pursue the gifts of tongues and prophecy today? How do you define contemporary prophecy? Are there charismatic abuses that need to be addressed? Open, Cautious, or Advocate? At the conference, Piper was characteri

Opportunities follow Obedience

English: By Rembrandt. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Author: Steve Furtick His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Matthew 25:21 Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.  Luke 16:10 There’s a major misconception that exists about how God gives opportunities to His people to do something for Him. Many people want God to  first  give them great  opportunities  so they can display great  obedience .   But often until then, they won’t be obedient with what they’ve already been given. Maybe it’s the church planter who wants to preach for 5,000 people before he’ll preach with faithfulness and excellence to 500 people. Or 50 people. Or 5 people. Maybe it’s the person who would love for God to give him $1 million to be generous with, but won’t even be generous w

Why Is Archaeology Important?

English: Fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah Русский: Бегство Лота из Содома (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Deuteronomy 29:22-24  If we can trust the Bible when it tells us about straightforward earthly things that can be verified, then we are more likely to trust it in areas where we can't directly verify it in an empirical way. There have been thousands-not hundreds-of archaeological finds in the Middle East that support the picture presented in the Biblical record. There was a discovery not long ago confirming King David . The patriarchs-the narratives about Abraham , Isaac and Jacob -were once considered legendary, but as more becomes known, these stories are increasingly corroborated. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was thought to be mythological until evidence was uncovered that all five of the cities mentioned in Genesis were, in fact, situated just as the Old Testament said. As far as their destruction goes, archaeologist Clifford Wilson says there is "permanent evi

Is It True That God Blesses Those Who Bless Israel and Curses Those Who Curse Israel?

Map of Israel, the Palestinian territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip), the Golan Heights, and portions of neighbouring countries. Also United Nations deployment areas in countries adjoining Israel or Israeli-held territory, as of January 2004. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Flag of Israel with the Mediterranean sea in the background, in Rishon LeZion. עברית: דגל ישראל בראשון לציון (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) 1695 Eretz Israel map in Amsterdam Haggada by Abraham Bar-Jacob (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Molnár József: Ábrahám kiköltözése (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) It must be true, because this is what God says, isn't it? Well, actually God says this, "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed" ( Genesis 12:3). When God makes a promise we can know that it is certain, and that He will not change. The problem is, however, when we hear Him saying what He did not say. This text does say that God wil