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The MIllennium Views

Image via Wikipedia “ For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” ( Hab. 2:14 ).    -  Habakkuk 2:14 Space prevents us from doing full justice to the various millennial views. For example, some teach a mid-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture even within dispensationalism.  Moreover, the popular dispensationalism we see on television and in popular fictional writings  is different than the “progressive dispensationalism” taught by many dispensational institutions.  Progressive dispensationalism shies away from the more speculative aspects of dispensational eschatology and is increasingly recognizing the underlying unity of the diverse, biblical covenants . Image via Wikipedia Amillennialism  is the most widely held millennial view in the Reformed church today. Its adherents understand the one-thousand years of Revelation 20 to represent the entire span between Christ’s first and second advents, in which Jesus reigns from