
Showing posts with the label Minister (Christianity)

What is the call of God to be a pastor?

English: Peresopnytsia Gospels. 1556-1561. Miniature of Saint Matthew. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Sometimes there is no real understanding of the concept of “call” outside of an esoteric concept that it involved something you got from God (somehow) and was necessary to go into ministry (or at least that’s what you’re expected to say to people who ask).   For anyone who has ever wondered about their calling, here’s the general gist: The concepts come from the New Testament: 1 Tim. 3:1 says: The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. I would suggest that this is what’s referred to as the “internal call”, and I would suggest two points related to the internal idea of “call”: 1.   You need to  aspire  to the office of overseer. That’s an entirely  internal desire , and it’s not something that  anyone  can do for you.  Also, the word used is in Greek is  orego , and it’s the same word used later in 1 Timot

Sovereignty & Human Responsibility and God

Image via Wikipedia The Bibles teaches, that God is sovereign over all things, and yet it also teaches, that man is responsible to turn from his sin and come to God. Here are two great quotes that discuss how we can reconcile these things.  The first comes from Andrew Fuller . A fleshly mind may ask, “How can these things be?” How can Divine predestination accord with human agency and accountableness ? But a truly humble Christian, finding both in his Bible, will believe both, though he may be unable fully to understand their consistency; and he will find in the one a motive to depend entirely on God, and in the other a caution against slothfulness and presumptuous neglect of duty. And thus a Christian minister , if he view the doctrine in its proper connexions, will find nothing in it to hinder the free use of warnings, invitations, and persuasions, either to the converted or the unconverted. Yet he will not ground his hopes of success on the pliability of the human mind , but on

Church Transitions by Pathways Forward

Image via Wikipedia Marks of Transition What happens to a church as it goes through a leadership transition? There are a number of characteristics that emerge at points throughout the transitional process. These can vary greatly depending on the unique circumstances that have precipitated a leadership transtion. Here are some of the common marks of transition we observe at various stages of the transitional process: A sense of loss and need to grieve. Most churches feel a sense of loss when their Senior Pastor leaves. This is even common in churches where they wanted the pastor to move on. To a greater or lesser degree churches tend to take on the characteristics of their leaders. A familiarity, even predicatability takes place through the leader’s tenure, and when he or she leaves something changes. The familiar patterns, styles, stories, and particular focal points of a pastor’s ministry start to die. It is a fact that many people’s sense of history about their church

TRansitions for Pastors

Image via Wikipedia Today I have the privilege of posting a conversation with Bob Russell , senior minister of  Southeast Christian Church  ( Louisville, KY ) for forty years until he retired in 2006. Southeast is the sixth largest church in America, and the church’s leadership transition has been exemplary. I believe we can learn a lot from Bob Russell, one of the most humble and genuine men I have met in ministry. I’m grateful he would take the time to stop by and discuss his new book,  Transition Plan: 7 Secrets Every Leader Needs to Know ,  and why pastors and churches should take responsibility for training the next generation of leaders. Trevin Wax:  It seems like many evangelical megachurches are built around powerful personalities and charismatic leaders. You write about how an inordinate focus on the leader of the church can be dangerous. You write: “Is this church built on the pastor, or is it really built on Jesus Christ ? When Bob Russell is gone, will the church continu