
Showing posts with the label Missions

Visions, Dreams and God's people

Among missiologists,  it’s not uncommon to hear  how an individual from an unengaged, unreached people group becomes a follower of Jesus through a vision or dream. Assuming the truth of such stories, what are we to make of them? How should they affect the way we think about the necessity and urgency of missions? If God can use supernatural encounters to bring the lost to saving faith, can missionaries and evangelists simply sit back and let angels do all the work, or at least pray for them to do more? While God can communicate the gospel message through whatever means he chooses, the Scriptures consistently teach that God loves to advance the gospel through his people. Therefore, Christians and local churches are responsible for bearing the name of Jesus to the ends of the earth. The Bible gives no evidence that God uses angels, visions, or dreams as the principal means of a person’s salvation. Instead, if angels or visions have a role in the task of missions, it’s ancillary to the res

Honor or numbers?

Elliot Clark’s Mission Affirmed: Recovering the Missionary Motivation of Paul. While various factors motivated Paul’s labor, an underlying concern that often gets overlooked is simply this: Paul wants God’s approval. He wants honor or commendation from the Lord on the day when he judges Paul’s work. Therefore, Paul is worried about the quality of his ministry, and whether the churches he planted actually reflect the kingdom of God. This concern trumps the modern fixation among missionaries on rapidity and numbers. The book unpacks this point over the span of several chapters. What exactly are we reproducing? Clark expresses his concern clearly, Today, in many places where the gospel is spreading the fastest and where churches are rapidly multiplying, Satan appears to be the most active in deceiving believers. Simply having the Holy Spirit and the Bible does not guarantee a mature disciple. This is one reason why I’m so concerned with the growing number of missionary strategies that adv

World missions: you can be a sender or goer!

Giovanni Angelo Del Maino, "Statue of Nicodemus" (detail), wood, ca. 1518, Collections of applied arts, Castello Sforzesco, Milan, Italy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) John 3:16 –17 Not all of us are called to be full-time missionaries , but all of us are called to be involved in missions — if not as goers, then as senders.  Have you fully grasped the importance of world missions to the plans of God ?  Consider today the budget you have established for giving to worldwide outreach. Try to increase what you give to the sending of workers — if not permanently, then in a one-time gift to a missionary who needs support to fulfill his cal l. Related articles Is there a bible basis for missions? Bible basis for missions. Help a missionary, get a photo session Inside The Mormon Church's Online-Only Missionary Army Changes to Missionary Program? Best Guesses? Harrisburg-area medical missionaries push aside thoughts of harm Missions, American Evangelicals, and Cal