
Showing posts with the label Mitt Romney

Keep the Merry, Dump the Myth

Watch the latest video at Washington (CNN) – The Christmas season is revealing a growing rift among American atheists when it comes to the question of how to deal with religion. Some atheist activists are trying to seize the holidays as a time to build bridges with faith groups, while other active unbelievers increasingly see Christmas as a central front in the war on religious faith. With the dramatic growth of the nonreligious in the last few decades, more atheist leaders are emerging as spokespeople for atheism, but the Christmas rift speaks to growing disagreement over how atheists should treat religion. On the religion-bashing side, there’s David Silverman , president of the group American Atheists, which raised one of its provocative trademark billboards in New York ’s Times Square last week. “Keep the MERRY!” it says. “Dump the MYTH!” The sign features a picture of a jolly Santa Clause and another of Jesus dying on the cross – a not-so-subtle attack on Chris

Jim Daly on Obama's Re-election

Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, 2008 US presidential candidate. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The election is over, and I sense there's something of a gloomy spirit in many conservative corners of the country this morning. Analysts and pundits, and even the candidates themselves, billed this year's contest as a crossroads of great consequence.  They were right. As many Christians who see the confluence of our faith and the many issues of culture, we poured our hearts and souls into this year's election. We donated our time and gave of our treasure. We made phone calls. We helped to register and educate new voters . We prayed. And how could we not? The stakes were sky high. In casting a vote for President Obama or his challenger, Governor Mitt Romney , Americans were either affirming or rejecting a very specific governing philosophy. Of equal importance, we were also passing judgment on the respective candidate's ideology concerning some of the criti

Al Mohler on the challenge of Obama's Victory

The 2012 U.S. election is over, and more than 100 million Americans participated in the great exercise of democracy — fulfilling the franchise of the vote. Even with some votes not yet counted and some issues as yet clarified, a general picture of the election is clearly in view, and the impact of this election will be both massive and enduring.  Several lessons emerge in the immediate aftermath of the election and Christians should consider them carefully.  First, we must recognize that President Barack Obama won a decisive and clear victory, surging to over 300 votes in the Electoral College before midnight. Against the expectations of many, the President held his 2008 coalition together. Voting intensity among younger Americans, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other crucial constituencies held firm. Once the election results started coming in, an Obama victory came quickly into view. Barack Obama avoided the ignominy of an electoral repudiation and may also have won the

How should Christians Vote on November 6th?

November 6th. These are materials that may guide your thoughts on the issues facing the country.  This multitude of counselors will serve you as you consider how to faithfully participate in this year’s election. Wayne Grudem outlines  24 issues that we face in this election  and breaks down the political and ideological stance of both parties on each issue. He also offers reasons  Why Evangelicals Should Support Mitt Romney . John MacArthur has preached two landmark sermons regarding the moral (and not merely political) issues that are uniquely at stake in this election:  Abortion and the Campaign for Immorality  and  Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality . (There is  a summary version  from the Grace To You Blog.) Pastor John also responds (video) to the question about  whether it’s OK for Christians to vote for a Mormon . Norm Geisler asks and answers, “ Should an Evangelical Vote for a Mormon for President? ” Geisler reasons, “Despite my disappointment on

Batman, Prayer and Guns

Aerial view of Fitzsimons Army Hospital in Aurora, Colorado, before closure. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Movie theaters are supposed to be a place of escape – for at least a couple of hours -- from the challenges of everyday living. But for the victims and their families and friends in Aurora, Colorado an act of horrifying violence shattered the illusion. Right now they are the center of attention, feeding a 24/7 news cycle . But when the media senses issue fatigue in the minds of its nationwide audience and shifts away to newer, fresher stories, the pain that began in the early morning hours last Friday will linger. For many, it will never go away. There might be a time to talk about guns, violence in the media , and appropriate types of punishments for the people who commit such heinous crimes, but right now the best response is to mourn, comfort and pray. For those who have lost a family member, friend, or co-worker, we are truly sorry for your loss. We hope that friends and f

Mormon becomes Christian

Image via Wikipedia Our guest on this week’s edition of The Connected Kingdom podcast is  ex-Mormon and now Christian author Latayne Scott. She answers questions like these ones: How did you become a Mormon? How were you converted to  Christ ? Is Mormonism a cult? Can a Christian vote for Mitt Romney ? What are the changes in and challenges to Mormonism? How should we evangelize Mormons ? Should we invite them into our homes? Through Zondervan , Latayne has just published a new and updated edition of   The Mormon Mirage . You can also catch up with her at her blog . Related articles CK2:21 - Mormons & Mormonism ( The Mormon Mirage: A Book Review ( Vast Majority Of Americans Have No Problem Voting For A Mormon ( CNN Poll: Mormon candidate not a problem for most Americans ( Mars Hill Pastor Mark Driscoll: Mormonism is a cult ( More

Could the next US president be a Mormon?

Image via Wikipedia Mormonism is back in the news. And with two Mormon presidential candidates, including Mitt Romney (the front runner for the Republican nomination), there’s a good chance we will be hearing much more about Mormonism for the next twelve months. Denny Burk has a very helpful piece on whether Mormonism is a cult , and Albert Mohler has written a thoughtful article on “Mormonism, Democracy, and the Urgent Need for Evangelical Thinking.” I won’t repeat their arguments, except to reiterate Mohler’s reminder that voting for a president should include examining the candidate’s religious beliefs, but should include other considerations as well. Presidential elections are important. But believing the truth is even more important. With that in mind, I thought it might be helpful to provide a brief overview of Mormon history and theology. I won’t try to debunk Mormonism or prove Christianity. But I hope this quick survey will show that the two are not the same. Cover v