
Showing posts with the label Moloch
Image via Wikipedia We, as a culture may think when we take our pants off with someone not our spouse, as long as everyone is there voluntarily, the worst thing that can happen is that God might get miffed at us. And He, of course, is rather famous for having a rather forgiving nature. Six innocent men went to their death at Ai because a different man, Achan , took for himself booty from Jericho .  Who would know, I suspect, Achan wondered. Why would we think sexual immorality is any different? "Husbands and wives stray. What's the big deal? Happens all the time. " It does indeed happen all the time. And when it does bombs explode in the homes of little children. Hearts are scarred. Fear replaces the departing spouse. These children grow up thinking the deepest betrayal possible to be normal, acceptable, just a part of life. That there is nothing they can depend on. They grow up believing that mommy, or daddy loved their sexual appetites more than they loved them. An