
Showing posts with the label Monophysitism

Was Jesus a real man and God at the same time?

English: A diagram showing the Monophysite view of Christ: One nature, which is neither fully human, nor fully divine. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In the year 451, the church convened the great Council of Chalcedon , one of the most important ecumenical councils of all time. It was called to combat several heresies, the most significant of which was the Monophysite heresy . The term monophysite has a prefix and a root. The prefix, mono, means "one," and the root, phusis, is translated as "nature." So monophusis or monophysite simply means "one nature." The Monophysites claimed that Jesus did not have two natures, a divine nature and a human nature , but only one nature. That one nature was neither completely divine nor completely human. It was, depending on how one looked at it, a deified human nature or a humanized divine nature. This heresy was very serious for two reasons. It denied, on the one hand, the full deity of Christ . On the other hand,