
Showing posts with the label Mosaic

How will the law not pass away with Jesus?

Matthew 5:17–20 “Truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished” ( v. 18 ). We come today to one of Jesus ’ most complex teachings as it discusses the life and role of the old covenant Law. This is a much-debated topic, and thus we will carefully draw conclusions that accord well with the entirety of Scripture. Jesus discusses the Mosaic law at this point in the Sermon on the Mount to prevent His disciples from misunderstanding the teaching that follows. Our Lord is about to correct the interpretations of the Pharisees ( Matt. 5:21–48 ), who are beloved by the common man. The people equate these traditions with the Law itself, and to correct them is to violate God’s Word in the eyes of the people unless Christ makes His intention clear beforehand. Verses 17–20 tell us that breaking our Father’s commands is far from Jesus’ mind. His work is not “to abolish the Law or the Prophets…but to fulfill them

Does the Old Testament Law still apply to us today?

Image via Wikipedia Matthew 5:17-20  The distinction between the civil, ceremonial, and moral laws of the Mosaic code is not so clear on the pages of Scripture. Nevertheless, the distinction is a helpful tool for applying this law to our lives today. We study the Mosaic law to learn what God would have us do in Christ .  This law has been written on our hearts thanks to the Holy Spirit , though we still certainly struggle doing it. Make sure to spend time each week in study of the law of God. For further study: Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Related articles Gender of God ( I do not know, what I do not know! ( Sabbath School Commentary: The Oneness of God ( The New Covenant ~ by Eudora Nachand ( Understanding the New Covenant Part Two ~ By Eudora Nachand ( Empowered to Make a Change: Tb Joshua ( So Easily Forgotten.....