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Church Staff Chemistry

Image via Wikipedia A staff member with years of experience observed, “If our team is strong and healthy, we can go through hell together and come out with wisdom and gratitude.  But if our team is bickering and distant, no amount of ministry success offsets the tension and heartache we experience.” This person’s perspective is shared by many people on teams across the country. Chemistry is one of the most important and elusive traits of a staff team. We know we should value each other’s strengths, but too often, we secretly (or not so secretly) despise people who are different.  If we’re extroverts, we shake our heads at those who are quiet and reflective. If we’re analytical, we become impatient with those who enthusiastically buy every new concept or program. If we’re big-picture people, we are annoyed by staff members who insist on dotting every I and crossing every T. We may have concluded that getting along with certain people is impossible, but the apostle Paul would disagree.