
Showing posts with the label NWT

Are the Teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses Compatible with the Bible?

Japanese Jehovah's Witnesses. (Photo credit: kc7fys ) Jehovah ’s Witnesses ( JWs ) claim to regard the Bible as the absolute Word of God and to base all their beliefs on it. In fact, the teachings of JWs are contrary to the Bible. The Bible. JWs use a doctored version of the Bible called the New World Translation (NWT). The JW leaders who produced the NWT were not biblical scholars, and it shows. The most obvious difference between the NWT and other Bibles is its use of “Jehovah” in the NT. JWs claim that the NT originally used the Hebrew name YHWH (translated “Jehovah” or “Yahweh”) and that apostate scribes put “Lord” (Gk kurios) in its place. There is no historical or manuscript evidence for this claim. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit . JWs teach that the Father alone is Jehovah, the almighty God ; that the Son, Jesus Christ , is “a god” (their translation of Jn 1:1) inferior to the Father; and that the “holy spirit” is an impersonal force emanating from God. The Bible,