
Showing posts with the label Naboth

What does God think of'Eminent Domain?

English: ELIYAH VISITS KING AHAB AND THE BA'AL PROPHETS 1 MELAKIM 21 KINGS (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) But Naboth replied, “The LORD forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my fathers” ( 1 Kings 21:3). A number of years after God ’s defeat of Baalism at Mount Carmel , King Ahab looked out from his palace in Jezreel and saw a vineyard that he thought would be ideal for a royal vegetable garden. He approached the owner of the vineyard, a man named Naboth, and asked him to sell it, and made him an offer. Naboth refused Ahab ’s offer, and for a very significant reason. When the Lord initially gave the land of Canaan to the nation Israel , He had the land divided into family plots. These family plots were inalienable; that is, one could not sell them permanently, one could only lease them. However, in the year of Jubilee , every 50 years, all the land reverted to God as the original owner, and after that year God gave the plots of land back to the original familie