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Keep trying

What separates successful leaders from average ones? What is the secret behind the accomplishments of high achievers? While there are many things that can contribute to success, there is one thing that is sure to prevent it every single time. What is it?  The absence of trying. Sound overly simplistic? It may seem that way, but there is pure genius in this principle that is so obvious, yet often overlooked. Every successful author, leader, inventor, and artist have at least one thing in common: they tried. They attempted something. The great hockey legend Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” His point was that  nothing great ever happens without effort.  No author has accidentally written and published a great book. No artist has accidentally painted a masterpiece. It took effort. It took  trying. So what prevents us from trying and accomplishing great things? Lack of confidence.  Fear of failure paralyzes us. If you’re going to be a great le