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Philip Adams is an atheist with faith in the scientific method

The global warming icon for the ubx. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) If your belief system is not founded in an objective reality, you should not be making decisions that affect other people. — Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) September 15, 2014 "I am an atheist with faith in the scientific method" Weekend Australian magazine. Personally I don't have enough faith to believe in atheism, but that's another story. One result of our culture’s post-modernism is its entirely modern love affair with its own view of science. Once-upon-a-time, the word science referred to the scientific process : verifiable propositions, experimental procedures, and reproducible observations. And today? Science may still mean that in the dictionary , but in popular culture? Not so much. Instead, the concept of science stands in for anti-supernaturalism with a political agenda—which I assume has probably always been the case to some extent. But today’s science seems marked by a very unscienti