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Who are the Nephilim?

  Who are the Nephilim? In the sixth chapter of Genesis, we’re confronted with a curious reference to the Nephilim. Who are they? Were they a race who came to be through the mingling of divine beings and the daughters of men? Were the Nephilim engineered by God’s enemies to thwart his plans for mankind? Even more puzzling is how the Nephilim could show up in Numbers 13—long after the flood. Wouldn’t they have died out in the flood with the rest of humanity? How could they have shown up in Canaan? Is it possible that Noah himself was a Nephilim? At war with the serpent’s offspring In the third chapter of Genesis, God told Eve that her offspring would be locked in conflict with the serpent’s offspring (Gen 3:15). The serpent was actually a divine being, not a mere member of the animal kingdom. The divine being in the garden who rebelled against Yahweh’s desire to have humans rule an Edenic world is never cast in human form. Unlike the sons of God in Genesis 6:1–4 who are cast as assuming

Noah the Movie: Noah the Bible

English: "The Deluge", Frontispiece to Doré's illustrated edition of the Bible. Based on the story of Noah's Ark, this shows humans and a tiger doomed by the flood futilely attempting to save their children and cubs. Français : "Le Déluge", Frontispice de l'édition illustrée par Gustave Doré de la Bible. Basé sur l'histoire de l'Arche de Noé, la gravure montre des humains et un tigre tentant en vain de sauver leur progéniture. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Darren Aronofsky ’s film  Noah   has created quite the stir. Regardless of whether we agree with his portrayal of Noah, we must admit he does raise some interesting questions about this important biblical account. After seeing the movie, I left the theater wanting to know more—wanting to find answers to these tough questions. I’m sure others did, too. But where can we find all the best scholarship and interpretations collected in one place? The  Lexham Bible Guide: Genesis 1–11  is our answe

Who were the Nephilim?

Revelations (Fields of the Nephilim album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Oil painting of a young John Calvin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) GENESIS 6:3 –4  “Then the LORD said, ‘My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years’ ” In Genesis 5 , the piety of some in Seth ’s line alludes to what will become clearer in later portions of Scripture, namely, that his family, not Cain’s, will be the one through which the Lord bruises the head of the serpent (3:15). Yet though men like Enoch (5:21–24) and Lamech (vv. 28–31) were faithful, Genesis 6:1–2 tells us not every descendant of Seth kept the covenant entirely. Physical attraction alone motivated many in his line to marry godless Cainites . This is a warning for us to seek God first in all of our relationships. We too can fall into idolatry if, as John Calvin comments, “those things which are chief are not taken into the account.” Moses describes the offspring of these forbidden marriages in today