
Showing posts with the label Netherland

Noah's Ark Rebuilt

A full-scale replica of Noah's Ark has opened to the public in the Netherlands . Stormy weather Monday could do nothing to dampen the good mood of its creator, Dutchman Johan Huibers . In fact, the rain was appropriate. In the Biblical story, God orders Noah to build a boat big enough to save animals and Noah's family while Earth is covered in an enormous flood. Huibers, a Christian, used books 6-9 of Genesis as his inspiration, following the instructions God gives Noah down to the last cubit. Translating to modern measurements, Huibers came up with a vessel that works out to a whopping 130 metres long, 29 metres across and 23 metres high. Johan Huibers's replica of Noah's Ark is 130 metres long, 29 metres wide and 23 metres tall.   (Rob Keeris/Associated Press) The ark has life-sized animal displays aboard, according to the attraction's website, and some live animals, including parakeets, parrots, pheasants, peacocks and rabbits. But the tigers gira