
Showing posts with the label New Age

I left New Age for Jesus

For more than 10 years, I was entrenched in mysticism and self-discovery. Jordan Taylor I practised witchcraft and performed spells. I became an oracle card reader and enrolled in classes to sharpen my psychic abilities. I was a certified Reiki master and yoga teacher. I used crystals as a means of healing, protecting, and manifesting. I believed in astrology, manifesting under a new moon and cleansing and recharging my energy under the full moon. I worshipped nature and worked with goddesses. I found my spirit guides and let them lead my life. I’d talk to “Spirit/Source/Universe” and believed I was speaking to my “higher self.” I believed I created my own reality and was my own god, in control of my life. I thought I finally knew my purpose—to heal the collective, raise the planet's vibration, and help others heal and do the same. But behind it all, I grappled with darkness, deception, and a yearning for more . Still, I became trapped in a cycle of healing and “up-levelling,” cons

Is Star Wars confusing to kids? Good side & Dark side?

The movie has a couple mystical moments where characters establish an emotional connection to the Force or through it. In regard to the infamous Force, the movie also promotes modern monism , a New Age theology claiming that there’s a universal, but impersonal, energy or “Force” that is part of everything and surrounds everyone. This is typical STAR WARS mythology. However, in THE FORCE AWAKENS, it’s suggested a couple times that there must be a “balance” not only in the Force but also between the “good side” and the “dark side” of the Force. This is Non-Christian Eastern monism and moral dualism. In this light, it’s interesting to note that these lines in the movie logically contradict the rest of the story, which clearly and strongly says the good must defeat and overcome, if not destroy, the dark side. The movie also suggests, in a redemptive way, that characters who succumb to the dark side can actually redeem themselves by rejecting the dark side and coming into the light

Stan's two "I will"

“I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” ( Isaiah 14:14 ) These are two of the “I will’s” of Satan—or Lucifer—as he aspired to usurp the throne of God as ruler of the universe (see Isaiah 14:12-15 ; Ezekiel 28:11-17 ). Not content to be “the anointed cherub,” the highest of the angelic hierarchy ( Ezekiel 28:14 ), he wanted to be God, and this monstrous pride became “the condemnation of the devil” ( 1 Timothy 3:6 ), so that he is now “fallen from heaven” and will soon be “brought down to hell” ( Isaiah 14:12 , 15). Lucifer, of course, is not the Creator, for he was “created” ( Ezekiel 28:15 ) himself. It would seem therefore that for him to rationalize his ambition to be like the most High, he must somehow persuade himself that he is like the most High—that is, that God is a created being like himself, and thus can be defeated. He only had God’s word that he had been created by Him, and he evidently chose not to believe what God said (just as

Are you pursuing holiness?

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Wikipedia ) Only a comprehensive and biblical view of the light of God ’s holiness can rescue us from the darkness.  As we recognize who God is, we will recognize who we are and what we have become, and the Holy Spirit will use that knowledge to revive in His people a renewed zeal for the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and a boldness to proclaim that although human beings are great sinners, there is a greater Savior who can rescue us through the gospel. Related articles Rejection ( Good News and the Holy Temple ( Second Sunday after Christmas ( An Incredible Mystery! ( Spiritus Sanctus: How the Holy Spirit Renews ( Christians urged to accept the holy spirit to tap God's blessings ( The Ministry of God the Holy Spirit ( What or Who is the Holy Spirit? ( )

How do Christians relate to the New Age Movement?

English: Oprah Winfrey at the White House for the 2010 Kennedy Center Honors (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) T hough the vestiges of a biblical worldview are still in evidence, polls reveal that doctrinal beliefs of perhaps a third of Westerners can be characterized as New Age. The ideas of this New Age Movement ( NAM ) are widely, and often subconsciously, disseminated through television (e.g., Oprah Winfrey ’s show) and movies (e.g., Star Wars ). The NAM also has become big business through its myriads of self-help seminars, journaling/prayer guides (often mimicking Christian tradition), and books. Adherents of the movement often reject the term New Age due to its connotations. At any rate, it is perhaps better termed “postmodern religion” in view of the assumptions its shares with philosophical postmodernism (see the article, “How Should a Christian Understand Postmodernism ?” p. 1385). Generally rejecting a scientific or analytic (modernist) approach to life, adherents beli

Unequally yoked means?

Jesus is considered by scholars such as Weber to be an example of a charismatic religious leader. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" ( 2 Corinthians 6:14 ) This is one of the definitive statements in Scripture on the doctrine of Christian separation. Not only should believers refrain from practicing evil teaching and error, they should not join in any formal association with those who do such things, nor should they enter into a binding relationship of any kind with non- Christians . There may be a question regarding the full scope of this prohibition, though it probably would not apply to clubs, professional societies, and other groups with no religious connotations. The context of this verse implies an association of Christians with pagan idolaters, compromising God 's Word with the immoral pantheism of the Greek

Why do we question God’s Transcendence?

English: Immanuel Kant Deutsch: Immanuel Kant (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) 1 Chronicles 29:11 “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty…. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all” ( v. 11 ). Theological controversy did not end at the Council of Nicea , and in the following centuries the church had to deal with errors regarding the humanity of Christ, the authority of Scripture, justification, and others. Despite the various positions taken on these issues, however, most theologians still insisted on the transcendence of God . That all changed in the nineteenth century. Our Creator’s transcendence is affirmed throughout Scripture and is reflected in today’s passage. When we say God is transcendent, we mean that He is separate from His creation and not dependent on the created order in any way. The Almighty made the universe and He is therefore its sovereign ruler ( Gen. 1:1 ). A biblical view of transc

Do you seek signs to believe in God?

By Rembrandt. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." ( Matthew 12:39-40 ) If there was ever "an evil and adulterous generation," it is surely this present one and, once again, there is a widespread seeking after signs (same word in the Greek as "miracles"). The almost explosive rise of the so-called New Age movement has produced an amazing interest in all forms of occultism and supernatural phenomena: astrology, channeling, ESP, near-death experiences, UFOs , meditation, and mysticism of many strange varieties. Even in Christian circles, there is an unhealthy interest in new revelations and other supernatural signs. The Lord Jesus , however, rebuked those who wanted special signs be

We all worship. But do we worship the Creator? Or do we worship some aspect of His creation?

Image via Wikipedia There are only two religions, Two-ism or One-ism, and you have to make a spiritual choice. Do you worship the universe and the things within it? Or do you worship the personal, triune God outside the universe, who made There are only two religions, Two-ism or One-ism, and you have to make a spiritual choice. Do you worship the universe and the things within it? Or do you worship the personal, triune God outside the universe, who made it, tells us about it, and enters into a relationship of love with His creatures? There is no other option. it, tells us about it, and enters into a relationship of love with His creatures? There is no other option. Related articles The Triune God: Athanasian Creed and Baptist Faith and Message ( Cults and occultism ( Importance-Part 2-Importance of Worship (Guest Post) ( Who Were the Puritans? Part 1 ( Nihilism: Why Ameri

One true God

Image via Wikipedia "For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God." ( 1 Thessalonians 1:9 )   There are "gods many, and lords many" ( 1 Corinthians 8:5 ) in today's world, just as there were in the ancient pagan world. In fact, the worship of many of these ancient deities is being revived in various dark corners of the so-called " New Age " movement today. Idol worship can also involve adulation of men and women--such as music idols, professional athletes, and movie idols, not to mention the humanistic worship of such political/religious leaders as Lenin , Mao , Hitler , Khomeini , and an increasing assortment of gurus and false prophets.   There is, however, only one true God, the God who created all things. "To us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ , by whom are all things, and we b

Exercising Your Power of Choice

Image via Wikipedia Does man have a free will? This question is one of the most frequently asked questions of theology. At times, it is not voiced as a question but as an objection to the whole idea of a sovereign God . At the heart of the problem is the definition of free will. What are we saying when we assert that man has a free will? Stated briefly, free will simply means that man has the ability to choose what he wants. Such ability requires the presence of a mind, a will, and a desire. If these faculties are present and functioning in a man, that man has a free will. Free will does not mean that man can choose to do anything he pleases and necessarily succeed. We may choose to fly without the aid of mec Image via Wikipedia hanical devices. We can fall through the air by ourselves, but we cannot fly through it. We lack the necessary natural equipment (in this case, wings) to fly. This does not mean, however, that we are not free. It does mean that our "freedom" is l

Sanctification requires you to push through hard times

Image via Wikipedia Many of us are satisfied with echoing Christian jargon and subsisting on a spiritual diet of milk instead of growing spiritually. Strong growth requires a healthy diet.  It requires what the apostle Paul called “meat.” We need the discipline of study, the discipline of prayer, the discipline of service. Most of us require being disciplined under the authority or tutelage of another. Self-discipline is merely the extension of discipline learned under another. It does not come by magic. If you desire to break out of the plateau on which you are paralyzed, then it is imperative that you get under the discipline of someone qualified to take you further and deeper into the Christian life.  Your pastor is the most obvious person to help. Refuse to be satisfied with milk. It is possible to break out of stagnation and move ahead into a growing, enriching development. We are called to be disciples, not for one year but for our lives. It is ultimately impossible for the Chr