
Showing posts with the label New Calvinism

John Piper’s 12 features of the New Calvinism.

English: The differences of the Calvinism and Lutheranism Category:Calvinism Category:Lutheranism (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) 1. The New Calvinism, in its allegiance to the inerrancy of the Bible , embraces the biblical truths behind the five points of Calvinism ( TULIP ), while having an aversion to using the acronym (or any other systematic packaging) along with a sometimes-qualified embrace of Limited Atonement . The focus is on Calvinistic soteriology but not to the exclusion or the appreciation of the broader scope of Calvin’s vision. 2. The New Calvinism embraces the sovereignty of God in salvation and all the affairs of life and history, including evil and suffering. 3. The New Calvinism has a strong complementarian flavor (as opposed to egalitarian) with an emphasis on the flourishing of men and women in relationships where men embrace a call to robust, humble, Christ -like servant- leadership. 4. The New Calvinism leans toward being culture-affirming, as opposed t

Flee Youthful lusts

Image via Wikipedia Don’t squander your youthful vigor on mere restlessness. Apply yourself to humble service for the cause of Christ within the context of the church. Remember that “whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all” ( Mark 10:43-44 ). Meanwhile here are three crucial biblical virtues to cultivate. These will keep us from becoming unsettled and restless: Steadfastness One mark of spiritual health and stamina that gets far too little notice these days is  steadfastness.  Stability. Constancy. Firmness of heart. Those are qualities Scripture repeatedly and emphatically commends. The righteous person “is like a tree planted,” while the wicked “are like chaff that the wind drives away” ( Psalm 1:3-4 ). Paul told the restless Corinthians , “Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord , knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” ( 1 Corinthians 15:58 ). In  Colossians 1:23 , he en