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What is the new Calvinism?

ROBERT FAW , correspondent: From baptism by immersion to the fervent Bible-based preaching, Sojourn Community Church in Louisville, Kentucky , looks and sounds like many other Southern Baptist congregations. What you cannot see, however, is that this Baptist church is infused with Calvinism—the teachings of a 16th-century Swiss theologian, John Calvin , whose tenets were practiced by America’s Puritans in the 17th and 18th century. PASTOR DANIEL MONTGOMERY : We want a robust, full, holistic understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ , and Calvinism and the doctrines of grace really give us that picture. There’s been a rise in Calvinism for sure, and I think the return to the doctrines of grace or Reformed theology is really a desire to return to more foundational truths. FAW : John Calvin’s basic belief is the absolute sovereignty of God , that everything and everyone is God’s will, including who is saved. Al Mohler is a Calvinist and president of the Southern Baptis