
Showing posts with the label Newtown

Christians have something to add to the conversation about Newtown

English: Bouguereau's L'Innocence. Both young children and lamb are symbols of innocence. Français : Bouguereau — (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Christians have something to add to the conversation about Newtown We understand what innocence is. We understand what sin is, and what the consequences of it are. We have categories that are sufficient to make sense of a senseless tragedy. After all, the slaughter of innocent children is right there, in the Christmas story. Soldiers with bloody swords were right on the heels of the wise men. The prophecy of the slaughter of children is literally the next verse after the prophecy of the virgin birth (Jer 31:13-14; 15). Some observations are obvious and can be made by Christians and non-Christians alike. If you have a mentally unstable child who is prone to violence, don’t stockpile guns in your house, for example. At least don’t teach him how to use them. You also don’t have to be a Christian to realize that the slaughter of chil

Suffering Grief from Newtown: free Resource

Grief - For the time being, and in response to the recent tragedy in Newtown, CCEF’s minibook on grief is available for free online. Also in connection to Newtown you may want to read Douglas Wilson ’s article titled That Will Be Soon Enough along with David Murray ’s warning about when to stop reading and watching the media reports. Related articles '26 Acts of Kindness' honors Newtown victims ( Help for Those Coping with Grief ( how to help Newtown ( Grief-Stricken, Helping Newtown, and Saying Thank You ( Prayer for Newtown, Connecticut ( Newtown Tragedy- Immeasurable Heartbreak ( Candlelight vigil for Newtown set for Alki on Dec. 22 ( Sending Love & Prayers (

Newtown: Gun Control, Sin Control or Mental health?

English: Al Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Like many parents across America , I spent the weekend shielding my children from news about the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, even as I pored over reports that might offer some way to make sense of the horror. I saw comment after comment and post after post that tried to hone in on one aspect of this tragedy and from it craft a solution. There were the posts about increased gun control, that perhaps this mass murder can galvanize our politicians into another conversation about protecting the Second Amendment while also protecting our children from the senseless use of lethal weapons. Other writers and commenters looked to shooter Adam Lanza’s psyche to offer a reason for his crimes. In “ I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother ,” Liza Long, the mother of a child with an undiagnosed mental illness , writes about the threat her son poses to his family and his community. Her post has gone vira

Al Mohler on Sandy Hook Elementary School Newtown Tragedy

Sandy Hook, Connecticut (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Thus says the LORD: “A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more.”[Jeremiah 31:15] This time tragedy came to Connecticut, where a lone gunman entered two classrooms at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown and opened fire, killing at least twenty children and six adults, before turning his weapons of death upon himself. The young victims, now officially identified, ranged in age from five to ten years. The murderer was himself young, reported to be twenty years old. According to press reports, he murdered his mother, a teacher at Sandy Hook, in her home before the rampage at the school. Some of the children were in kindergarten, not even able to tie their own shoes. The word kindergarten comes from the German, meaning a garden for children. Sandy Hook Elementary School was no garden today. It was a place of

John Piper on Newtown Elementary School and Murder

Wenceslas Hollar - Jesus before Pilate (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Murdering a human being is an assault on God . He made us in his own image. Destroying an image usually means you hate the imaged. Murdering God’s human image-bearer is not just murder. It’s treason — treason against the creator of the world. It is a capital crime — and more. “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image” ( Genesis 9:6). As usual, Jesus takes this up in devastating terms. None of us escapes. You have heard that it was said to those of old, “ You shall not murder ; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.” But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, “You fool!” will be liable to the hell of fire. ( Matthew 5:21 –22) He does not say unwarranted anger is the same as murder. It’s not. Ask the bereaved parents of Newto