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Two scatterings: Babel then Pentecost

Christoper Columbus arrives in America ( Wikipedia ) "So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city." ( Genesis 11:8 ) The verse above is a summary statement of God ’s judgment at Babel , at which time God confused the languages of the people there and dispersed them throughout the earth. These original nations--all descended from Noah and his three sons--are listed in what is called the " Table of Nations " in Genesis 10 .  As time went on, the people proliferated into still more nations and languages and migrated still farther from Babel until finally, as the verse says, they were scattered "upon the face of all the earth." Christopher Columbus was a brave explorer and skilled navigator, as well as a diligent Bible student and convinced Christian. However, he did not "discover America," as he is said to have done on October 12 in 1492. Neither did Leif Ericsson or a