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God was patient for 100 years then Nineveh was destroyed - why?

But with an over-whelming flood He will make an end of Nineveh ; He will pursue His foes into darkness ( Nahum 1:8). The prophecy of Nahum needs to be taken with that of Jonah . After Jonah’s ministry in Nineveh, the city was covenanted to the Lord. After a couple of generations, however, the Assyrians reverted to their old ways. When people have a knowledge of God and then rebel against Him, they become worse than they were before. The Assyrians became known throughout the ancient world for great cruelty in warfare. The Assyrian empire dominated the ancient Near East for a while, and both Israel and Judah were forced to recognize its superpower status and pay tribute. When Hoshea , the last king of Israel , conspired with Egypt and withheld the annual tribute, the Assyrians conquered and destroyed the nation. The larger reason Israel was destroyed was that they had provoked the Lord beyond the limits of His forbearance. About a century later, God raised up Nahum to predic