
Showing posts with the label Old Earth creationism

New Genetic-Clock Research Challenges Millions of Years by Nathaniel T. Jeanson, Ph.D.

Does a 6,000-year-old earth match the findings of modern science? Secular scientists have answered forcefully in the negative for generations. However, their arguments rest on the assumption of constant natural processes and constant rates, and new discoveries from ICR’s geneticists present a strong challenge to these claims. Genetic “Clocks” Ticking within every species is a “clock” of sorts that measures the length of time that a species has existed on the earth. Since DNA is passed on imperfectly from parent to offspring, each generation grows more genetically distant from prior generations. Consequently, with each successive generation reproductively isolated groups within species grow more and more genetically distant from each other. This is true for DNA found not only in the nucleus of the cell but also in the cellular energy factories termed  mitochondria . Mitochondrial DNA is present in both males and females, but unlike nuclear DNA, it is inherited only from mothers

Was God a young earth creationist?

Genesis (Photo credit: cajaygle ) "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so." ( Genesis 1:11 ) One of the favorite biblical arguments used these days by Christian advocates of an old earth comes from a forced interpretation of this verse. While the verse seems to teach "sudden" creation, old-earth advocates interpret the verse to necessitate an indefinite time period, at least long enough for seeds to grow up into mature, seed-bearing plants . Plants differ widely and are thought to have evolved all throughout earth history . The third day, then, must be understood as long enough to witness the appearance of all "kinds" of plants and is equated with a vast stretch of geologic time. However, there are many biblical problems with this view--a few of which follow. Scripture teaches that "in six days the LORD m

Creation Evolution debate in a nutshell

Image via Wikipedia 1. Young Earth Creationism (YEC) The Skinny : Belief that the universe was created miraculously by God around ten thousand years ago (or less). Explanation: YECs often insist that their view is the  only  way to understand and remain faithful to the integrity of the Scriptures. For them, options which integrate evolution or an old earth paradigm compromise the clear teachings of Scripture and even the essence of the Gospel message. They will often argue (especially since the publication of   The Genesis Flood  in 1960) that science is on their side using “catastropheism” or “ Flood Geology .” They believe that world-wide biblical catastrophes sufficiently explain the fossil records and other geographic phenomena that might otherwise suggest evolution or an old earth. They believe in a literal Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden, snake talking, and global flood. Relationship Between science and Scripture: Scientific discovery always submits to Scripture in all matters