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Tithing by Douglas LeBlanc

Cover of The Doors [Blu-ray] John Densmore , longtime drummer for the Doors , took up tithing after John Lennon praised it in a  Playboy  interview.  Years later, Densmore mentioned in an essay for  The Nation  that tithing helped him resist greed. He wrote, "During the Oliver Stone film on our band, the record royalties tripled, and as I wrote those 10 percent checks, my hand was shaking." My left hand did not shake in 2008 when I tithed on an advance check for my book about tithing, but my soul quaked a bit.  I was going through one of the most barren periods of my life as a journalist. I was filled with shame about not bringing more money into our household. I was unsure I could deliver the book. Who was I to continue tithing? What, apart from a distaste for brazen hypocrisy in myself, moved me past this hesitation? Mostly this: I could not see in the voluntary discipline of tithing the same escape clauses that I would expect in a prenuptial agreement. There are some