Are you prepared for persecution?

Matthew 10:16–25 “A disciple is not above his teacher… If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul , how much more will they malign those of his household” ( vv. 24–25 ). Having surveyed the wider biblical teaching on missions and evangelism, we return to the gospel according to Matthew and resume our study at 10:16 , right in the middle of Christ ’s missionary discourse. Now that He is about to send His disciples into a world hostile to God’s kingdom, our Savior takes time in today’s passage to warn His followers that they will often bring His words to sinners who are all too eager to “shoot the messengers.” Knowing what is ahead, Jesus describes how we are to conduct our outreach. Verse 16 e xhorts us to act with a wise innocence — “innocent as doves that we may not harm anyone; cautious as snakes that we may be careful of letting anyone harm us” (Augustine, The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the Twenty-first Century, vol. 3, 3:189). We are not to be na...