
Showing posts with the label Ontology

How can I understand the trinity?

English: Stained glass window with Trinity symbols (hand of Father, dove of Holy Spirit, cross for Son Deutsch: Bleiglasfenster im Chor der Kirche Notre-Dame de Clignancourt von Paris, Darstellung: ? (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Do you know the meaning of the word Trinity ? In all likelihood, most of those reading this are familiar with this word and its meaning in theology. But what if I were to ask you to distinguish between the " ontological Trinity" and the " economic Trinity"? If I said, "Please describe for me the difference between the ontological Trinity and the economic Trinity," could you do it? The distinction is very important. Ontology is the study of being. When we talk about the ontological Trinity, we are referring to the fact that God is three in one. There are three persons in the Godhead—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit —who together are one being. The ontological structure of the Trinity is a unity. When we speak of the ec