
Showing posts with the label Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Living in God's Two Kingdoms by David VanDrunen review by Ligonier Ministries

David VanDrunen’s book  Living in Two Kingdoms  is the first attempt of which I am aware to present at a non-academic level a book-length biblical and theological case for “two kingdoms theology.”  VanDrunen, who serves as professor of systematic theology at Westminster Seminary California and as an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church has dealt with this subject before.  He has written several articles on the subject, and in 2006, he published  A Biblical Case for Natural Law , which contains a discussion of two kingdoms doctrine .  In early 2010, he published  Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms .  That book is an extensive academic study of the historical development of Reformed social thought with a particular focus on the Reformed view of natural law and two kingdoms doctrine.   After looking at precursors such as Augustine and Luther, VanDrunen proceeds to examine specifically Reformed thinking on these subjects from the sixteenth century to the present.   Li