Tim Challies on John Owen and sin
John Owen (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) This is my once-monthly post on the Puritan John Owen . In this series of posts I am sharing some of what John Owen says about putting sin to death, or what he calls mortification. I have been going through his book Overcoming Sin and Temptation and trying to distill each chapter to its essence—to a few choice quotes that capture the flavor of what Owen is trying to communicate. So far we’ve looked at The Foundation of Mortification , we’ve been encouraged to Daily Put Sin to Death , to understand that It Is the Holy Spirit Who Puts Sin to Death and to acknowledge that Your Spiritual Life Depends Upon Killing Sin . Then we saw What It Is Not to Put Sin to Death and What It Is to Put Sin to Death . Then, at least, he began to move to the actual instruction on putting sin to death. First he dealt with a couple of foundational issues and then wit...