
Showing posts with the label Parable of the Prodigal Son

Tim Keller and the Prodigal Sons

The Prodigal God looks at the Parable of the Prodigal Son as a parable about the lostness of both brothers and the heart of God the Father that is revealed towards them both. Keller shows clearly that the parable is a powerful challenge to self-righteous, religious moralists. Both brothers are lost, and the only way back to the father is through his love and grace. This poses a special problem to those who are self-satisfied with their religious practices. Nevertheless, even Pharisees are invited to enter the joy of the feast. The love of the Father invites all to come in. This is only possible because of the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ . We have all sinned and been cut off from our proper home, but through Christ a new heavens and new earth are being made where a great feast will take place. The only way to gain entrance is through Christ Jesus himself Related articles The Prodigal Son's Brother ( Our fathers on eart

What was Jesus parable about the two sons?

Jesus meets John the Baptist (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Matthew 21:28 –32 “John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him” (v. 32a). Jesus in this passage uses His discussion of John the Baptist ’s authority with the religious leaders in Jerusalem as a springboard to explain why judgment is coming upon those covenant-breaking Israelites who believe themselves falsely to be God ’s true people. The parable of the two sons is the first of three consecutive parables in which our Lord condemns faithless Israelites. One commentator has noted some of the similarities between the parable of the two sons (Matt. 21:28–32) and the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11–32), including the fact that both stories end with the father’s acceptance of the wayward son. We would also note that the fact that the rebellious child is ultimately restored in both parables is certainly offensive to the hearers; mo

Why is it important to know Christ...more?

The Return of the Prodigal Son (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death." ( Philippians 3:10 ) Paul deeply desired to know Christ in an intimate fashion--to experience an even deeper relationship. In our text, he lists three things which will also be known if we know Christ. The power of His resurrection: The victory of Christ over sin and death exhibited His great power. Paul not only longed for an ultimate resurrected body, "if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead" ( v. 11 ), but he longed for the power over sin as well "to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord" ( Romans 6:11 ). The fellowship of His sufferings: Paul's desire to know Christ was so great he was willing, if need be, to suffer as He suffered. And, indeed, Paul did suffer in many ways (as seen in 2 Cor

Why did Jesus speak in parables?

Return of the prodigal son (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Author: RC Sproul.  Matthew 13:1–11 “He answered them, ‘To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.’” ( v. 11 ). Jesus has thus far gained many followers, but most of the nation of Israel , especially the religious leaders, have not embraced Him as Messiah ( 12:14 , 22–32 ). This confounds the disciples — all those who follow the Lord along with the twelve apostles. After all, should not all Israel understand with them that Jesus is the Christ who will restore David’s throne ( Amos9:11–15 )? The disciples think Jesus’ teaching explains Israel’s confusion. He is not quick to call Himself the Messiah ( 8:1–4 ; 9:27–31); He uses veiled language and parables to reveal His kingship. Therefore, the disciples ask Jesus why He uses parables in today’s passage (13:10). “Lord, why tell stories that not all can understand?” they ask. “Just proclaim that you are the son of

Lost dogs and lost people?

Return of the prodigal son (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Luke 15 “I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance” ( v. 7 ). Generally speaking, a dog owner will search high and low for his pet if he finds that his animal is missing. He might walk through his neighborhood yelling out the name of his dog in hopes that it will come running.  The local animal control center may receive several visits a day from this owner, hoping to find that the dog has been picked up and brought there. Normally, he will also plaster the telephone poles on the local streets with flyers promising a reward for the animal’s return. He may even go door-to-door, asking his neighbors if they have seen his pet. While dogs are a good gift from the Lord, it is indeed sad that too many followers of Christ are more concerned to find lost pets than they are to find lost people. We easily grow complacent about our partici

Do the lost today, want to be found?

Español: Regreso del hijo pródigo, Louvre (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Luke 15 "I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance" ( v. 7 ). Generally speaking, a dog owner will search high and low for his pet if he finds that his animal is missing. He might walk through his neighborhood yelling out the name of his dog in hopes that it will come running. The local animal control center may receive several visits a day from this owner, hoping to find that the dog has been picked up and brought there. Normally, he will also plaster the telephone poles on the local streets with flyers promising a reward for the animal's return. He may even go door-to-door, asking his neighbors if they have seen his pet. While dogs are a good gift from the Lord, it is indeed sad that too many followers of Christ are more concerned to find lost pets than they are to find lost people. We easily grow compl