
Showing posts with the label Passion of the Christ

How did Jesus answer his accusers?

Small Passion: 16. Christ before Herod (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Matthew 26:63B–68 “ Jesus said to him, ‘You have said so. But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven’” ( v. 64 ). Ironically, it is often the case that in seeking to correct one error, the corrector goes too far and actually errs himself. Consider the uproar over the film The Passion of the Christ a few years ago. Our aim is not to debate the propriety of depicting Jesus on film but to recall that the movie was labeled anti-Semitic for involving first-century Jews in the crucifixion. Motivated to prevent the persecution of Jewish people that some have tried to justify using the passion narrative, revisionist scholars teach that Rome alone was culpable for murdering Jesus. Many individuals have persecuted Jews as “ Christ-killers ,” and some historians do all they can to absolve the Sanhedrin of guilt in order to make impossible