Confused about the Trinity - look closer

There can be no eternal relations of authority and submission ad intra, (at the interior) within the life of the Trinity from eternity, because: (1) submission is the subjection of one will to another and therefore it requires multiple faculties of will; because (2) will is a property of nature, not person, and thus two wills require two natures; and (3) there is only one nature in the Godhead. There can be no submission or subjection within the Godhead ad intra without there being a distinction of nature. The reason the incarnate Son can submit to the Father (which, of course, everyone grants is the case) is that He has added a human nature (and thus a human will) to His divine nature, which He possesses in perpetuity (Col 2:9; 1 Cor 15:28). Before He assumed a human nature in the incarnation, there is no subjection of the Son’s will to the Father. God is one God; each person of the Trinity fully subsists in the single, simple, undivided ...