What God starts in us God completes

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ ." ( Philippians 1:6) Philippians 1:6 develops the theme of God 's preserving grace—which ensures the perseverance of His own—in three points. First, Paul reminds us that since God has begun our salvation , we can rely on Him to complete it: "he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion." God always finishes what He starts, especially the salvation of His people. It is in this way that God's preserving grace fits with the other doctrines of grace. God the Father chose us in eternity past, and the Bible says that God's purpose in election must prevail (Rom. 9:11). God the Son offered an atoning sacrifice for these same elect people. Should they fall into condemnation, then His blood would have been shed for them in vain. But He insists that not one of them shall perish and none shall be plucked from His hand (John 10:2...