Is God distant or close to me?

God may indeed be wholly other, supreme, sovereign, set apart from everything else, transcendent, unique. But it is clear from this letter that Paul does not therefore understand God as one who simply created the universe, including humankind and the world, and then proceeded to absent himself from this creation, allowing it to run along on its own, governed solely by the laws he established for it. Rather, Paul understands God as present within this world, actively sustaining it, interestedly governing its affairs, very much involved in it, and, more importantly, as one who is intimately and kindly involved in the affairs of the people in this world. He sees God as interested in the immediate and ultimate well-being of these special objects of his creative love and concern, drawing near them, intervening in their histories, giving them things to be thankful for, allowing them to experience pain and problems, setting the highest standards of expectations for them, and...