
Showing posts with the label Physical attractiveness

The Gospel and Sexual attraction

Should we happen to ponder the word "attraction," many of us might think of a cinematic moment, an instance when two eyes inexplicably met. The gaze was held; the connection was palpable; two hearts beat as one. Later, the happy couple chastely walked a windswept beach. Attraction proved an unstoppable force. Destiny was fixed, once and forevermore. I don't deny that attraction is a powerful force. It surely is, and praise God for that! It's part of what God uses to drive us to one another. But in what follows, I want to suggest that there is more to attraction than that one explosive moment. Here are five thoughts on the topic of Christian attraction, five essential matters that you should consider as you ponder that ever-present yet hard-to-understand question: What exactly does it mean to be attracted to someone? And a second question, right on the heels of the first: What role should attraction play in my pursuit of marriage? We'll answer both of these to

Women's Hair and 1 Timothy 2

Women’s clothing in ancient Rome was not terribly varied: respectable women worn the  stolla  and  palla  and differentiated themselves from one another with variations of color and jewelry.  Adulteresses and prostitutes were most notably marked by the wearing of the  toga , or at times a  stolla  that was made of thin and revealing Coan silk. A woman’s moral character was indicated by her choice of clothing , and prostitutes were marked by either various degrees of nudity or the willful rejection of “female” dress. [1] The myth that says “the problem in 1 Tim. 2 and 1 Pet. 3 is one of women dressing immorally, as indicated by their prostitute-like hair.”  In recognizing that hair didn’t indicate that someone was immoral...but what did “ braided hair and gold or pearls” indicate? This is our topic: it’s hair. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF HAIR Seeing that Roman culture provided far less variety of choice for women on the front of  clothing , women mainly set themselves