Pilgrims Pogress and Evangelism

I’m a big proponent of using the Bible in evangelism . I want the book open with me when sharing the Gospel. I want the unbeliever to be looking down in the Bible, I want them to be hearing the Bible, If possible I want them to be able to quote some of the bible by the end of our conversation. I believe with all my heart that faith (only) comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God. (Rom. 10:17) But over the years I have found myself using the pilgrim’s progress at some point during an evangelistic encounter. Early on at the end of long gospel conversations, I found myself not knowing what to do next. Of course, I’m not going to lead someone in a sinners prayer. As a believer in God’s sovereignty in salvation, I didn’t want to manipulate someone into making a false profession. At the same time, I wanted them to understand the urgency of what they heard and the importance of what had just occurred in their life. So, I always had this dilemma, how do I finish this conversati...