
Showing posts with the label Pilgrims Progress

Pilgrims Pogress and Evangelism

I’m a big proponent of using the Bible in evangelism . I want the book open with me when sharing the Gospel. I want the unbeliever to be looking down in the Bible, I want them to be hearing the Bible, If possible I want them to be able to quote some of the bible by the end of our conversation. I believe with all my heart that faith (only) comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God. (Rom. 10:17) But over the years I have found myself using the pilgrim’s progress at some point during an evangelistic encounter.  Early on at the end of long gospel conversations, I found myself not knowing what to do next. Of course, I’m not going to lead someone in a sinners prayer. As a believer in God’s sovereignty in salvation, I didn’t want to manipulate someone into making a false profession. At the same time, I wanted them to understand the urgency of what they heard and the importance of what had just occurred in their life. So, I always had this dilemma, how do I finish this conversation? 

Is it possible to backslide in your faith?

This is an artist's rendition of John Bunyan -- The famous Christian writer who wrote The Pilgrim's Progress (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) John Bunyan ’s wisdom on how to backslide. Stop meditating on the gospel. “They draw off their thoughts, all that they may, from the remembrance of God , death, and judgment to come.” Neglect your devotions and stop battling sin. “Then they cast off by degrees private duties, as closet prayer, curbing their lusts, watching, sorrow for sin, and the like.” Isolate yourself from Christian fellowship . “Then they shun the company of lively and warm  Christians .” Stop going to church. “After that, they grow cold to public duty, as hearing, reading, godly conference, and the like.” Determine that Christians are hypocrites because they continue to sin. “They then begin to pick holes, as we say, in the coats of some of the godly, and that devilishly, that they may have a seeming color to throw religion (for the sake of some infirmities th