
Showing posts with the label Planet

What Did Jesus Mean by “The World”?

By Nicholas T. Batzig In his excellent little book The Emotions of Jesus, Robert Law offers a passing contemplation about how the Savior would have seen the world through the lens of sinless human experience. He writes:  “Though little is directly reported of it in the Gospels, this also belonged to the perfection of our Lord Jesus. No one has ever lived in such a marvellous world as he, to whom ‘the glory in the grass and splendour in the flower’ continually revealed the diviner miracle of a Heavenly Father's munificent love and care.” If anyone could have sung the words of the hymn “This Is My Father’s World” with a heart full of delight at the manifestation of the glory of God in the intricately created plants, trees, animals, fish, sunsets, oceans, seasons, minerals, gems, rocks, scents, food, and drink, it was the sinless Son of God incarnate. And yet, there was another world that the Savior viewed from the side of sinless humanity. These two worlds collided when the Son of Go

Scientific discovery proves Genesis accurate

In this artist's conception, a possible newfound planet spins through a clearing in a nearby star's dusty, planet-forming disc. This clearing was detected around the star CoKu Tau/4 by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Astronomers believe that an orbiting massive body, like a planet, may have swept away the star's disc material, leaving a central hole. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In 2004 astronomers using NASA's , Spitzer Space Telescope , probed the dusty disks that surround young stars to look for the earliest signs of the formation of planetary systems. What they found coincides with the brief description of planet formation as described in the book of Genesis regarding earth's own formation. According to the data scientist gathered from the disk surrounding the star system CoKu Tau 4 in the Taurus constellation , planets like the Earth are formed from leftover waste and debris from their central star. Planets form inside a proto-planetary disc , start