
Showing posts with the label Plantinga

Dismantling the new atheism

English: Image of Alvin Plantinga released by Plantinga into the public domain and supplied directly to me. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Richard Dawkins , Daniel Dennett , Sam Harris, and the late Christopher Hitchens , collectively known as the “new atheists,” embody one of the most aggressive recent manifestations of both “scientism” and ”naturalism.” This new atheism is characterized by extreme forms of both scientism, a view about knowledge that holds that only what can be demonstrated scientifically deserves to be considered knowledge, and naturalism, a view about reality that holds that only the material world is real. Hence it is hostile to religion in all forms, viewing it as merely a kind of superstition; it is likewise hostile to much “folk” understanding, including traditional claims about the nature and source of morality. It is thus good news for everyone that Alvin Plantinga , one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuri