
Showing posts with the label Pope Benedict XVI

Christianity is Rattling: "Lights Out" in Germany

Coat of arms of the Weimar Republic (1928-1933) and of the Federal Republic of Germany (1950 to date). (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The fall of German Christianity leaves an emptiness that seems likely to be filled by a more multicultural and Islamic society. Germany today houses Europe 's largest Muslim community. Christians in Germany, Die Welt reports, will become a minority in 20 years. The falling birth rate will remove a piece of Germany larger than the former communist East Germany. It will result in a demographic loss equivalent to the population of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne and Frankfurt combined. The German army just spent 428 million euros on various operations relating to migrants during the past year. It has been the costliest mission within German borders that the army of the Federal Republic of Germany has ever undertaken. In the decades after WWII, Germans have turned into hard-core pacifists, enjoying their role on the sidelines of global conflicts. The

How to remember the Bible

Memorizing the Bible resources Books : His Word in My Heart  by Janet Pope Flaming Sword  by Tai Ikomi Keep in Memory  by N.A. Woychuck You Need to Memorize Scripture  by N.A. Woychuck Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life  by Donald Whitney The Spirit of the Disciplines  by Dallas Willard Celebration of Discipline  by Richard Foster Scripture Memory Made Easy  by Mark Water Websites :  – A spectacular online memory tool Fighter Verses  – Memory verse system for children and parents through Desiring God Impress Kids  – Online memory tool that is a companion to your ongoing church discipleship, uses the verses you are already promoting as memory verses for the week or month Memlok  - Bible memory software Organizations or Other Resources : Scripture Memory Fellowship  – A complete infant to adult program with incentives for Bible memory An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture  by Dr. Andy Davis Seeds Family Worship  – Contemporary music set c

John Chrysostom preaches and people killed him

Because he spoke out boldly against the sins of Constantinople, John the Patriarch of Constantinople found himself in exile in the Taurus mountains . Several of the elite had taken offense at his sermons which showed up their shame. Among them was the Empress Eudoxia, who pulled strings to get him banished. The winter before his death, John suffered dreadfully in the mountains. No amount of wood on the fire and no pile of blankets on his bed kept his shivering body warm. Still he wrote strong letters to the people under his care. Trained as a lawyer, his letters and sermons were masterpieces of religious literature. Although he was absent from them, church folk continued to take direction from him. To John's enemies, his power still seemed to be too great, his presence still too close. Although he was old and frail, his health undermined by years of stern living, they decided to move him up by the Euxine (Black) Sea. They promised a reward to the guards who transferred him. Th