
Showing posts with the label Postmodernism

My truth your truth

It is becoming increasingly popular for people to speak in terms of their version of truth. They use phrases such as “my truth” and “your truth,” as if there are different versions of truth. I have heard people speak of “my truth” in reference to all sorts of things, including history, ethics, science, and religion. While we are certainly entitled to hold our own opinions, we are not entitled to hold to our own versions of truth, for it is impossible for more than one version of the truth to exist. This way of thinking is not merely the relativism of the past or postmodern pluralism or religious syncretism. This new way of thinking embodies conceptualism. The philosophical mindset of conceptualism has emerged as a necessary consequence of the post-postmodern zeitgeist (the spirit of the age) as a way for us to engage with other people with whom we disagree and yet get along. Conceptualism provides people with a way to create their own personally conceived realities of truth so

Current economic crisis and the church

English: Fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah Русский: Бегство Лота из Содома (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) There are recorded in the book of Judges twelve separate cycles: disobedience to God 's law; confrontation with a enemy; repentant beseeching of God for intervention; the rise of a liberator. His people were described as "every man doing what right in his own eyes" (Judges 17:6, 21:25). Our present time has been called the " Post-Modern Era." It is marked by a denial of the existence of any absolute truth, standards or values. Everyone is entitled to determine his or her own truth. This passage into the post-modern mindset can be compared to a transformation from a compass-culture (one fixed point of direction) into a radar-culture (one extracts only those items which suit one's own views, Rieman). In this the period of the Judges seems very much like our own present times: no absolute truth and the idol of greed. And when greed is reigning, we can expect ec