
Showing posts with the label Postsecularism

The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back

Image via Wikipedia For a century and a half secular humanist scholars predicted the demise of religion, which Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud dismissed respectively as the opiate of the people, and a mental illness. But the materialistic utopia never materialized. Instead, people have awakened to “spirituality.” Not God but materialistic secular humanism is  dead . One of the Death of God theologians, David Miller (whom we did not read in class) later gave the game away. In his book,  The New Polytheism  (1974) ,  he made the shocking claim that “at the death of God we would see the rebirth of the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome.”  The Postmodern deconstructionist, Mark Taylor, observed that “the 21st century will be dominated by religion in ways that were inconceivable just a few years ago.” A secular literature conference in 2006 boasted the title  God is Undead: Post-Secular Notions in Contemporary Literature and Theory  and included a lecture entitled “Secularism in