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How are we enemies of God?

Unregenerate man is consistently described as being in a state of alienation and enmity. This is the condition that makes reconciliation necessary. Reconciliation is necessary only when a state of estrangement exists between two or more parties. Estrangement is the natural fallen state of our relationship to God . Romans 5:10: "For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life."  Ephesians 2:12: "At that time you were without Christ , being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world." How are we enemies of God? Jonathan Edwards provides an insightful summary of the problem. He lists several points of tension between God and man: 1. By nature, we have a low esteem of God. We count Him unworthy of our love or fear. 2. We prefer to keep a distance from God. We have no natural

237 people lived because one person had faith in God

Acts 28:1-6 is illustrated showing Paul being perceived by the Malta inhabitants as a God. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Something else gave Paul great hope and enthusiasm: He saw these circumstances as an opportunity to introduce unbelievers to his God . He wasn’t the least bit timid about mentioning “the God to whom I belong and whom I serve” ( Acts 27:23). God was the source of Paul’s authority, his wisdom, his hope, his optimism, and his enthusiasm. Why would he be apprehensive about saying so? Paul was eager to introduce God to these people. Under the circumstances, they might have thought they needed to prepare to meet Him. Paul wanted them to know Him first as Savior, rather than as Judge. So he was bold. He knew, of course, that the prophecy given to him by the angel would come to pass. And when it did, the glory and the credit went to God. As we noted earlier, the precise fulfillment of all Paul’s predictions also established Paul’s credibility. But it did much more than th


Image via Wikipedia PAUL ON THE SINKING SHIP  Paul saw circumstances as an opportunity to introduce unbelievers to his God . He wasn’t the least bit timid about mentioning “the God to whom I belong and whom I serve” ( Acts 27:23). God was the source of Paul’s authority, his wisdom, his hope, his optimism, and his enthusiasm. Why would he be apprehensive about saying so? Paul was eager to introduce God to these people. Under the circumstances, they might have thought they needed to prepare to meet Him. Paul wanted them to know Him first as Savior, rather than as Judge. So he was bold. He knew, of course, that the prophecy given to him by the angel would come to pass. And when it did, the glory and the credit went to God. As we noted earlier, the precise fulfillment of all Paul’s predictions also established Paul’s credibility. But it did much more than that.  It put the focus where it rightfully belonged: it made these men see in a graphic way that God was sovereignly in c