
Showing posts with the label President

Presidential Fraud and God's Sovereignty

The purpose of this post is not to argue that Biden was, or was not, fraudulently elected in the 2020 presidential election, but to keep a biblical perspective. Sources report that 47% of American voters believe that large-scale fraud handed the election to Biden/Harris. Nevertheless, 49% say that fraud was unlikely. A recent NPR/Ipsos poll reported that 67% of Republicans and 11% of Democrats surveyed believe that voter fraud gave Biden election. However, the same survey showed that 19% of Republicans and 85% of Democrats disagree. In either case, dozens of millions of voters believe that there was a fraud, and dozens of millions believe that there was not. Numbers do not prove whether or not it happened. The point here is that a huge swath of the US population believes that voter fraud helped usher in the next president. It’s likely that someone you sing next to in church believes that there is ample evidence of fraud, and is grieved about it. Disdaining them as crazy conspiracists i

Sex - Sin’s Campaign Manager

One decision determines the fate of the American people every four years: Who will be our next president? This man or woman will almost certainly drive our 320-million-person passenger van through economic upheaval, volatile international affairs, violent terrorist threats, and any number of sensitive social issues. The candidates are pouring in, and the race heating up. So who’s the favorite? Sex. Specifically, sexual autonomy or freedom. The single most powerful, most driving, most appealing person, idea, or reality in American society is sex — the intense and intimate attractions and sensations felt between people. I define it broadly, because Satan’s grassroots campaign has planted sex’s posters and pinups in all kinds of places today, not just the marriage bed. We wish we could define it more narrowly, as God intended when he created sex, but it’s crawled into too many corners, and won too many worshipers. Sex — sexual ecstasy, autonomy, and freedom — is the trump card in America

Jim Daly on Obama's Re-election

Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, 2008 US presidential candidate. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The election is over, and I sense there's something of a gloomy spirit in many conservative corners of the country this morning. Analysts and pundits, and even the candidates themselves, billed this year's contest as a crossroads of great consequence.  They were right. As many Christians who see the confluence of our faith and the many issues of culture, we poured our hearts and souls into this year's election. We donated our time and gave of our treasure. We made phone calls. We helped to register and educate new voters . We prayed. And how could we not? The stakes were sky high. In casting a vote for President Obama or his challenger, Governor Mitt Romney , Americans were either affirming or rejecting a very specific governing philosophy. Of equal importance, we were also passing judgment on the respective candidate's ideology concerning some of the criti

Al Mohler on the challenge of Obama's Victory

The 2012 U.S. election is over, and more than 100 million Americans participated in the great exercise of democracy — fulfilling the franchise of the vote. Even with some votes not yet counted and some issues as yet clarified, a general picture of the election is clearly in view, and the impact of this election will be both massive and enduring.  Several lessons emerge in the immediate aftermath of the election and Christians should consider them carefully.  First, we must recognize that President Barack Obama won a decisive and clear victory, surging to over 300 votes in the Electoral College before midnight. Against the expectations of many, the President held his 2008 coalition together. Voting intensity among younger Americans, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other crucial constituencies held firm. Once the election results started coming in, an Obama victory came quickly into view. Barack Obama avoided the ignominy of an electoral repudiation and may also have won the

John Maxwell on the Entitlement Culture

Image via Wikipedia “This is a great, great country that had gotten a little soft and…we didn't have that same competitive edge that we needed over the last couple of decades. We need to get back on track." ~ President Barack Obama Has America gotten soft? Lost its edge? Wandered off track? In many ways, society has indeed gotten soft. As younger generations of Americans, we have grown up accustomed to affluence and expectant of instant rewards for our efforts. As such, we tend to be wasteful, irresponsible, and undisciplined. Yet, in another respect, we have gotten hard and uncaring. Those of us with money insist on having deservedly obtained our wealth through individual merit, and many of us ungenerously spend our surplus earnings on ourselves. Today’s troubles are rooted in a two-pronged culture of entitlement . In the midst of scarcity, we feel entitled to a better life, and when blessed with abundance, we feel entitled to our standard of living. Both sides of the coin