
Showing posts with the label Pro-life

Apple's Steve Job's was glad he was NOT aborted

Since Steve Jobs ’ death in October, numerous pro-life commentators have linked the fact that Jobs was adopted to the issue of abortion – pointing out how different the world would be if Jobs’ birth mother had simply chosen to abort her unwanted pregnancy . But it turns out that pro-life groups weren’t the only ones to make the connection: Jobs himself did. The late Apple CEO Steve Jobs. In the new authoritative biography of Jobs, biographer Walter Isaacson reveals how Jobs set out to find his birth mother in the early 80s, even hiring a private detective for the task. While his first efforts to find his mother failed, Jobs persisted, particularly after his adoptive mother passed away in the mid 80s. Jobs explained to Isaacson why he was so determined to find his biological mother: “I wanted to meet [her] mostly to see if she was OK and to thank her, because I’m glad I didn’t end up as an abortion,” he said. “She was 23 and she went through a lot to have me.” Eventually Jobs wa

Unequal Rights for women

Image via Wikipedia One of the ironies of feminism is that by its advocacy of abortion it has endorsed the single greatest means of rob­bing women of their most basic right—the right to life . Abortion has become the primary means of eliminat­ing unwanted females across the globe. More girls than boys are now being killed by abortion. To kill an unborn female is to kill a young woman. There can be no equal rights for all women until there are equal rights for unborn women. Related articles Abortion and Compassion Within Islam ( More scary, race-baiting, anti-abortion propaganda aimed at black women ( Pro-Life News Report 6/26/11 ( Russian legislators under fire for proposed abortion restrictions ( Pro-Life News Report 6/26/11 ( War on Women or Protection of Unborn Life? ( Perdue vetoes bill which put constraints

Abortion Backlash: Fathers have zero rights

I have been interested in the development of a small but growing backlash against the abortion lobby’s assertion that there is only one person, and one person’s rights, involved in abortion. In law around the world, the decision to have an abortion is entirely, and legally exclusively, the woman’s. No one, neither her parents nor her doctor can, so the logic goes, be allowed to influence her. And that goes triple for the father of the child.

Abortion Backlash: Fathers have zero rights

I have been interested in the development of a small but growing backlash against the abortion lobby’s assertion that there is only one person, and one person’s rights, involved in abortion. In law around the world, the decision to have an abortion is entirely, and legally exclusively, the woman’s. No one, neither her parents nor her doctor can, so the logic goes, be allowed to influence her. And that goes triple for the father of the child.

Victoria sad abortion numbers

According to the most recent figures released in the annual report of the Australian Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity , 345 late-term abortions were committed in Victoria State in 2007. Of these, the report states that 164 were performed at a Melbourne clinic on women with perfectly healthy unborn children who said they were suffering psychological or “social” problems. Though most of the abortions were carried out on women about six months pregnant, two of the aborted children were older than 28 weeks. A further 181 late-term abortions were committed on babies diagnosed with genetic abnormalities. Fifty-four of these babies survived the procedure to die post-natally, according to the figures released in the state government report. In Victoria, late-term abortions can be carried out for "psycho-social" reasons even if there is no declaration of a threat to the mother's health. The report says that many of the women given lat