10 things about Martin Luther and the reformation

WHAT TOP 10 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT MARTIN LUTHER 1. Luther's motivation was his search for God. Luther is often presented as the man who stood up against all kinds of abuses in the Roman Catholic Church . And so he did. But this was not his main concern—this was not his primary drive.Luther became a monk because he was searching for God, and, after he found God as the God of grace, he protested against everything that kept people away from that God. Luther did not stand up to reform the church, but to reform the message of the church. Luther was not against the power of the pope (at least at first), but against the fact that the pope did not use his power for the eternal well-being of believers. After he found God as the God of grace, Luther protested against everything that kept people away from that God. 2. Luther caused a U-turn in theology. The best way to illustrate the radical change in theology Martin Luther brought about is the U-turn. Luther radically ...