
Showing posts with the label Queen of Heaven

Don't worship Mary!

Polski: Koronacja Najświętszej Marii Panny (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Mary should never be the object of religious veneration, imputed to having titles or attributes that belong to God alone . It is Jesus , not Mary, who is the fountain of grace. She must never be the central focus of worship or religious affection. Scripture makes no claim that she was untouched by original sin , a perpetual virgin, a co-redeemer with Christ , or the Queen of Heaven . She is not to be the object of prayers—God alone is omnipresent and omniscient and the One to whom we pray. Mary is the equivalent of the Hebrew “Miriam,” and the name means “bitter.” Mary’s young life may well have been filled with bitter hardships. Her hometown was a forlorn community in a poor district of Galilee, so good things probably were pretty scarce. She had a sister (John 19:25) and a close older relative named Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist (Luke 1:36), who might have been an aunt or a cousin. At the time th