
Showing posts with the label R. C. Sproul

Free Books from RC Sproul

To further help Christians know what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it, in May 2013 we made the ebook editions of R.C. Sproul 's  Crucial Questions  series free forever.  We continue to publish new ebooks in this series and this year have added  Are People Basically Good? ,  How Can I Be Blessed? , and  How Should I Think about Money? Here is a complete list of the free ebooks in the  Crucial Questions  series: Are People Basically Good?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks )  NEW Are These the Last Days?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Have Joy in My Life?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Know God's Will?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Lose My Salvation?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Trust the Bible

Bible Q & A with Ligonier Ministry

Voddie Baucham, Stephen Nichols ,   R.C.   Sproul,   R.C.   Sproul Jr., and Derek Thomas were asked the following questions: Athanasius confronted the issue of the deity of Christ . What is the strongest enemy the church faces today? (00:10) If God wants us to spend all eternity with Him, why didn’t He just put us with Him from the beginning? (08:43) How do we deal with knowing some of our loved ones may be headed to perdition? (11:29) Since we are chosen before the foundation of the world, how does God view us before we are born again? (15:30) Dr. Baucham, you said that you had overcome numerous struggles as a married adult man due to not having your father around when younger. I can relate. Can you talk about this a bit? (16:42) I am trying to reconcile the death of my son. How do I deal with my anger against God experienced as I am in this dark time? (20:08) Since God is slow to anger and patient, why, when man first sinned, was His wrath and punishment so severe? (23

Q & A with Ligonier Ministries

Sinclair Ferguson , Robert Godfrey , Steven Lawson, Albert Mohler , and R.C.Sproul were asked the following questions:  How do US army chaplains stay faithful to God and His truth, and provide the gospel to same-sex couples? How do they stay faithful amidst the persecution? (00:13)  I have a son who has entered into a homosexual lifestyle. How do I handle this, how do I act, what do I say? (02:58 )  I have many Christian friends who are libertarians and say the state should not be involved in marriage at all. Is this a correct position? (14:13)  I have a relative who is constantly trying to say that if I try to say something is false or sinful I am “condemning” the person or the thing and am not being loving. What do I say in response? (23:13)  Is personal peace and affluence the biggest impediment to Christian witness? (28:37)  How do I explain the reality of sin? (29:41)  Since there is one God, why is it that we have so many different views and denominations? (30:27)  W

Is my testimony the gospel?

So they again called the man who was blind , and said to him, "Give God the glory! We know that this Man is a sinner." He answered and said, "Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see" (John 9:24–25). This statement, "Give God the glory!" seems positive until we read the remainder of the sentence, in which the Pharisees revealed that they had concluded that Jesus was a sinner and therefore could not have performed the miracle. They were saying that the man should give glory to God, not to Jesus. The man was straightforward with them, saying: "I don't know whether He's a sinner. I don't even know Him. All I know is this: once I was blind and now I see." With these simple words, the man bore witness to Christ . He testified about the redemptive work of Christ. However, he did not preach the gospel.  Any time I call attention to the person and work of Christ, I am bearing witn

This is what happened at Strange Fire Controversial Conference

For each session there is the Challies summary of it, and then at Cripplegate we ran something closer to the manuscript of each message. If you want the concise version, go to the Challies link, and if you want the more detailed version, check out our link. Challies writes summarizing the content as a listener, while the Cripplegate link is more like a manuscript used by the speaker. When the audio/video is up at GTY, we’ll link that here too.   The conference began with  John MacArthur  preaching on Leviticus 9-10, and on the strange fire from Aaron’s sons.  He connected that sin with the modern Charismatic movement ( Challies summary  and the  Cripplegate notes ). Joni Erickson Tada  told the story of how she ended up losing the use of her legs, and how she has grown spiritually as a result. She talked about how charismatics have wanted to pray for her healing, while she has wanted prayer for her sanctification ( Challies summary ). R. C. Sproul  then preached on the unique r