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John MacArthur wrong on Martyn Lloyd Jones being a cessationist

Holy Spirit Stained Glass (Photo credit: hickory hardscrabble ) The theological fallout still continues from Dr. John MacArthur controversial conference entitled "Strange Fire" where he states all those who believe in spiritual gifts continuing are blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  Dear Dr. MacArthur, I have admired you as an able writer and speaker for years. I have not only read your book Strange Fire but listened to your talks as well as the panel discussions at your recent conference. I am as Reformed theologically as you are and can say we are on the same page when it comes to many issues you address. I was not prepared, however, for some of the things you said. I had to reread some parts to be sure you said what I thought you said. First, if your book purports the danger of offending the Holy Spirit with counterfeit worship, I fear you are in greater danger of offending the Holy Spirit by attributing His work to Satan . Does this not worry you? You are risking an