
Showing posts with the label Renaissance humanism

Are we living in a no-truth zone?

Planet earth is fast becoming a "no-truth zone." Relativism is the death of " true truth ," the "extinction of the idea that any particular thing can be known for sure." The denial of absolute truth also has serious implications for Christianity. Today's denial of absolute truth leads to statements such as these:  -All religions lead to God. -All religions teach basically the same thing.  -Jesus is one of many great spiritual leaders.  -No such thing as ultimate truth exists.  -All beliefs are equally valid. Have you ever heard people make statements like these? "We all have our own truths..." "There is no moral right or wrong. Beliefs about truth and morality are based on personal situations, cultural bias, or on one's religious upbringing..." Sadly, even some Christians believe these statements, like the young lady at the bank who told me, "We all have our own truths." This relativistic spirit pres